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People say that home is where the heart is. To me that has always seemed to imply where your family is. The places that I have called home have included running water, indoor plumbing, electricity, … Read more about Home


Home...        Swaziland is the best...I had no idea I would love it here as much as I do. The people are beautiful and the culture is amazing. I feel more at home here than … Read more about Home…


The moment that I arrived at our homestead, I had to ask myself, "God, why in the world did you want ME here? I know that I am where you want me, but I just don't get it." Everything that I had … Read more about Identity


The Lord says, "Ask, and you shall recieve, Seek, and you will find, Knock and the door will be opened to you." When we are truly asking, and truly seeking, we will find. In my journey I have … Read more about Silenced