
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So it’s time to blog!   This is our last blog and I’d like to start out by apologizing.  I’m sorry I’ve only blogged like hmm… three times or so.  I don’t know what my problem is!  I just don’t do good writing under pressure.  If It was optional- which I guess I’ve made it seem optional with my lack of blogging -but anyway if it was optional who knows maybe I would have written one every chance I got!  Most likely no. haha.   So I’m sure everybody is going to blog about excitement about going home or sadness about leaving, because we are all feeling such a crazy swirl of emotions.  God, oh I love Him, He has done an incredible work in our lives.  Thank you so much all of you amazing people that supported me on coming on this trip I know God will bless you for it.  Please continue to pray for us during this last week of ministry.  Pray that God will continue to blow our minds with his love and amazing power.   Pray that God will give us Peace that passes understanding as we have to leave these wonderful people that we’ve formed relationships with.

My mom wrote in one of my cards that she gave to me before the trip “I’m certain that you’re probably trying to figure out how you’re going to get a few kids packed in your suitcase for the flight home…Let not your heart be troubled”.  She was right!  There is one little boy that I want to bring home so badly.  I’m not the only one Linda and I figured out that even if we did find some way to bring him back to the States we would fight over who got to keep him!  It’s going to be so hard to leave these kids behind.  It’s comforting to know that they are completely in God’s hands and his are a much safer place than mine. 

All I know to say is thank you, a thousand times thank you.  This has been the best experience of my life.  Sometimes I still think to myself is this my life?  Am I really here in Swaziland with these beautiful people?  This is amazing!  God is awesome I know its only because of him that I’ve been allowed to come here.   I love you!   Meagan Elizabeth Varner

“I thank my God every time I remember you.” Philippians 1:3