
Explore My News,
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Dear Real Life participants,


My name is Alli Mellon and I am the coordinator for Real Life Missions Teams. I am so excited about the journey we are about to take together! You will meet me when you come to training camp, and I will be training your leaders and leading you all through camp. You have taken the first step of this journey by obeying the voice of the Lord who was telling you to follow His great commission and “GO”! I can assure you that you have many great surprises in store for you as we begin this walk together-around every bend and corner lie opportunities to grow in intimacy with Christ. Please come to training camp with open minds, willing hearts, hands ready to serve, and joyful attitudes. Leave behind your own agendas, your rights, your expectations, and the desire to make your own way. I am thrilled to be doing this alongside you, and can’t wait to see what God does in and through you. May you be amazed at the power of God!!!



One response to “Alli Mellon ~ TEAM WELCOME ~”

  1. I am definitely looking forward to training camp. I am praying for myself to have an open mind, willing heart, servants heart, and a joyful attitude. It is my prayer for myself and everyone as well to leave behind our expectations, our agendas, etc. This laid it out so clearly and is really challenging me already. Thanks! Yall are amazing….

    P.S. I’m allowed to say yall… i’m from Texas 🙂