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Everyone needs to make sure that they have purchased their round trip plane ticket from home to Atlanta and back home in April.  To get the best rates you should do that asap.  


Please make sure to follow the instructions below.  These are also posted in your handbook.

Date of arrival:

·         On your arrival date you are to arrive on or between 11 AM to 3 PM

·         Your team leaders will meet you at baggage claim. 

·         AIM provides the transportation from the Atlanta Airport to Gainesville.


Date of departure:

·        On your departure date you will need to make travel arrangements to fly out between 8AM to 12noon.

·         Everyone will return to Atlanta a day before flying home.  There will be hotel rooms reserved for everyone in Atlanta where the teams will come back for one final debrief.  Your leaders will then escort you to the airport in the morning where you will either fly or meet your ride between 8 AM to 12 noon.

4 responses to “ATLANTA FLIGHTS”

  1. Yes, Daniel, you can drive . If you are driving to Gainesville you need to check in between the hours of 4 pm -5 pm. Not before 4pm though because no one will be here, we will all be at the airport. You can meet us at the airport if that is easier, you would need to be there between the hours of 11 am and 3 pm and meet us in the Main Atrium.