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"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly … Read more about Colile

Let Go and Live

As I prepared for this trip, I had many people tell me that this was going to be a life-changing experience and that I wouldn't come home quite the same. As much as I wanted to believe it I just … Read more about Let Go and Live

Manzini Hospital

I remember the first time I arrived at the Manzini hospital.  It was the day after we had been in Swaziland, our first day of ministry.  Fear is probably the most accurate description of the … Read more about Manzini Hospital


On Tuesday, March 4th, I met a little boy named Nthembe and his mother at the hospital that we visit in Manzini. He was two months old and wearing a pink shirt, which threw me off and first made me … Read more about Nathan


We are officially two months in and I am at a total loss for where they went. This week has been amazing and heartbreaking at the same time. Due to the strike in Manzini on Monday, we stayed in … Read more about Strength