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Thoughts & Inspiration


This week I found out news that broke my heart and brought tears to my eyes. The last few weeks I have been visiting a little boy named Zama at the hospital. He is seven years old and lives with his … Read more about Zama

His Body

A couple weeks ago I went to church with Kate (the FYM leader here) and I had only been there once before. We arrived and were warmly welcomed, but not the "good morning, handshake, see you later" … Read more about His Body


            I continue to give glory to God! Everyday is filled with his evedent grace and it has blessed this trip. I have built relationships … Read more about Nameela

The Great Romance

God has been showing me lately the amazing glory of an intimate relationship with Him. There is so much love and peace that comes from drawing close to God and allowing Him to fill and surround me … Read more about The Great Romance


Occasionally on a blessed Saturday evening our team gets the opportunity to join the team of Swaziland First Year Missionaries at their not so humble abode. Not only is this a glorious time for our … Read more about Worship