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am feeling a bit scrambled. Lately I feel like I am in a spin cycle. I
leave three weeks from today and wow so much is happening. I am so
excited and yet the reality of it all is hitting me. I am leaving
everything I have ever known for three full months. I feel scared yet
assured about my decision to go. The unknown is so uncomfortable. God
is working in that uncomfortable…

I don’t understand His love and have been realizing that I don’t know how to receive such Love.
I am boggled and overwhelmed by the fact that He could love this
brokenness, this mess of a person. I so often miss what He has for me
as I am wrapped up in my own selfishness yet He is still there.
Waiting. My own pride gets in the way of it all. His Glory is
everywhere yet I am so blind to see it.

I have been so angry as I see
what is going on in this world and don’t understand how this Father can
allow such pain to His kids. I continue to hear the term “broken”
in reference to our society, our generation, sin in general and it is
the term given to the unexplainable awful things going on. “those people are just so broken…” But why do we put a negative tone to “the broken?” Or I guess I should just say that is what I have caught myself doing. Like “the broken” is
such a negative and almost a shameful thing. But as I read stories that
just rip me up I hear the Lord whispering in my ear that the girl who
was sold into slavery, the little boy who is forced to become the head
of the family at 8 when his parents die from AIDS- “They are beautiful, that is my child, Megan…”

So my prayer is this.

“Christ use me.
Help me to show these precious people your Love and the Hope that only comes from you.
Help them to understand.
Open their hearts to be loved.
Give me eyes to see how You see Your children.
Give me a heart to love.”

Written on 12/30/07.