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Thoughts & Inspiration

          As I walked into the Manzini hospital, I eagerly awaited seeing Benjamin’s tiny little face. Just a month ago I walked in to find a weary mother and the smallest two month old I had ever seen. She spoke no English but through the other mothers around her I learned his name was Anton but she wanted him to have an English name. I named him Benjamin. I was not able to communicate so I began to sing. I sang Jesus’ name over and over. Ben had not slept in two days and as I sang he was soon fast asleep in my arms. His mother went out in the courtyard to sleep. My ministry had begun. This started a pattern, for the next visits I came in and sang him to sleep and then she would go rest. I would sing with the other mothers and enjoyed chatting. Ben was always my focus. He was only 2.3 kilograms when I met him. He could not keep any nourishment in him and I prayed fervently his body to heal.

            Now after a month he is finally gaining weight. Today he weighed 3 kilograms and is even smiling at me. My relationship with his mother has amazed me. We still cannot communicate much but this morning instead of me starting the singing she said “sing akeko” and we then sang together. I felt so connected with her and after I prayed at the end of our visiting time she kept saying thank you and gave me a big hug. What a blessing to love on this family.

            Please be praying for Ben and his family. He is 3.0kg today and needs to be 3.8kg before he can go home from the hospital. His dad is very sick and his mother is so fearful after having already lost two children.

            “Father, heal this beautiful baby boy. Let him get the nourishment he needs for his body to be healthy again. Grow him up to be a man of You. Let him be a light to his family. Cover him with Your comfort and love! Amen.”