
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

As the trip is winding down, I am realizing what a blessing it is to be here and to minister here. God has grown me in so many ways and I am beginning to see how He has used me in other people’s lives. It is an indescribable feeling to know that God is using me during this time in the lives of the people of Swaziland.

At the Manzini hospital, I used to visit a woman named Dena. I watched the Lord transform her life and heal her body. The first time I saw her, she was really skinny and she looked like death itself as she lay in her own vomit in the hospital bed. It was a terrible sight. She broke my heart as she reached out to me and asked me to pray for her. So I went to her and prayed for quite a while. Then the next time I saw her, she was looking a little better and she asked me to help her sit up in bed so she could attempt to eat her dinner. So I helped her sit up and eat. Again she asked me to pray for her at least five different times. It was so awesome to see her faith and to see her reach out for a touch from God. Progressively she got better and better. Eventually she got strong enough to be discharged. It was a bittersweet thing because I knew I would most likely never see her again. We had become so close, and it almost felt as if I was losing a dear friend.  But it was okay because I was so glad to know that God had healed her body and enriched her spirit. That was all about three weeks ago, and last week, I got to see Dena again! She came to the hospital, just to see me because she knew I would be there. That was such a blessing! She talked with me for a while and she asked me to read her some Scripture. She also wanted me to pray for her because she has no job and no home right now. So I prayed and read to her from Ecclesiastes 3 and Philippians and Hebrews. It was just such a blessing to see her and be able to continue ministry with her. I fully expect God to continue to provide for her.

The relationships I am making here just continue to get richer and deeper. I am daily reminded that this is not a surface level ministry. This is life, and I am making real friends. God is using me to help and encourage my new friends. I am coming alongside of them and being Jesus’ hands and feet in their lives. It’s so cool to see that God really is using me to make a difference here.


~Tricia Laskowski~

(Nomcebo Lukhele)