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I just got back from the wonderful country called Mexico.  It truly was an amazing experience.  It was great to experience a different culture and see how truly different America is than Mexico.  I’ll never forget walking through the streets and having it be uneven and piles of dirt and rocks just sitting in the streets in big mounds.  As I looked around and all I could see were shacks for houses and dirty dogs running amuck.  It was something that I have never experienced before.  “See God working” is what I got out of the Mexico trip.  I got to do a lot of things while I was down there.  Everyone on the team has there own gifts when it came to ministry.  I got to go along on a few of the ministry’s.  One of them was going to a neighborhood and talking with the locals and praying with them and building a relationship.  It was crazy seeing these students speak Spanish and having conversations with them and sharing the word of God and just loving them.  I have to say that there was one place that just blew my mind away……….. It was a place of filth……. a place of brokenness…….a place of regret……it was a prison.  Now you think you know what a prison is, I thought I new what a prison was, but man was I wrong until I stepped foot into the Mexico prison.  I don’t know if any of you guys have ever seen the movie Gladiator.  But when I got to the prison I got frisked and stamped on the hand twice, and just like the movie Gladiator there was a big rusty metal sliding metal door.  When the guard opened it I felt like I was in the movie.  It was a slow open and light flashed on my eyes and it was the sun beaming down on me and I looked and I saw golden dirt everywhere and hundreds of people.  I started walking and people are just coming up to me asking questions and begging for money.  It was all in Spanish so I really didn’t know what was going on all the time but I could understand some things. In Mexico there are just people wandering around, working at shops and just hanging out.  No rules to follow, freedom within the walls.  It was really packed and there are really no guards anywhere.  You could do what you want basically.  I went to the prison twice, both times with Seth and Matt.  Matt is on the Mexico team and Seth is on my team in Georgia.  It was cool to see how Matt has built relationships with people within the walls.  It was amazing to see God at work everywhere a participant went.  Seeds being planted, lives being changed, prayers being answered, and God being praised.  You could truly feel God in Mexico.

One response to “Caleb’s trip to Mexico”

  1. This is awesome. I went to Mexico with AIM when I was 14 this really reminded me of my trip except the whole prison part, because we didn’t go to the prison. Wow, I cant wait to go to Africa and build relationships with people and let God use us.