
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Week ten of
our trip and the reality of living with 14 other people has set in. All the
little habits of people are out. As frustrations or annoyances grew I went to God
searching. How do I love the people who rub me wrong, who are just plain
difficult at times? As I sat in a field near a waterhole last week I decided to
listen to a podcast from my church at home. I had 17 different sermons on my
ipod but only one would work and it was no coincidence that it was on authentic
community. It hit me in the chest as he challenged the congregation to change
their view on community. He explored the difference between finding worldly
community that is centered on affinity or lifestyle commonness and the
community we are called to as Christians. We are called to love and be in
community and our commonness is solely Him. We as a body should have diversity
and learn to embrace that.

I finished
the podcast feeling so convicted about how I love my team. But God was not
finished with me yet. I woke up the next morning to read in 31 Days of Praise* and it was based on
praising Him for the seemingly difficult people in our lives. Then asking for
His wisdom and guidance as we learn to love and accept them as He does.

” I’m so glad that You are also within me, working to make
me more like Jesus– more patient, more gentle, more loving– through the very
things I dislike.”

Wow, what a challenge. He was not going to let this community
idea get away from me. He continues to challenge the way I respond and react.
He is morphing my mindset to be fully focused on love. It is so hard and
challenging at times and He has to remind me all the time of His love for each

Please be
praying as we have less than a month left. Pray we finish strong. Pray we stay
united as a team and that any issues will be handled with wisdom and love from
Him. Pray that we strengthen together to make lasting friendships as we serve

*Day 20 of 31 Days of
by Ruth and Warren Myers