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My Name is Daniel Juan Martinez and I am from the small town of Lawton, MI. Home of Welche’s grade juice! I’ve grown up in Lawton all my life and now live ten minutes outside of lawton with my two roomates. I am currently working at a small town coffee shop and love it. I enjoy writing, listining, and playing music on my guitar. on my off time I enjoy putting together new and challenging sermons for my wednesday night youth groups for juinior highers. this is one highlight of my life at this point. I love just hanigng out with my youth group and my freinds. also on my off time I enjoy writing and reading. my favortie books are anything that Jon eldrige has written and or Donald Miller. I have decided not to include my testimony in this breif autobiography because I belive I am still living my testimony and the little I could explain in a breif autobio. does not pay justice to my whole testimony.