
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

            For the past couple of weeks our team has tried to begin a ministry at one of the local high schools but our plans never seemed to work out. When we planned to speak on Wednesday mornings our driver ended up being late, when we went to play sports they were either testing or had early release, and because we weren’t showing up on time we were losing the trust of the students and the faculty.

            Our team as a whole really struggled with the unfortunate circumstances, but we optimistically pressed on and planned for another Wednesday morning, whether it worked out or not. For over a week some of our team devoted their free time to practicing a very powerful drime to Switchfoot’s “Dare You To Move” that we had planned to present to the kids along with a message to step up and make a difference as the new generation. Nobody really knew for sure if we would even make it on time since we never had before but we did our best to simply leave it in God’s hands and pray that His will would be done.

            Today was the day we had been preparing so hard for and God blessed us by providing our transportation half an hour early, much to our surprise. When we got to the high school our team performed the drime and Dan delivered the message to the kids who seemed blown away by everything that was going on. We left for a few hours to do another ministry and came back during their sports time where we were able to split up and hang out with them on a more personal level.

            I talked with about 5 girls, all my age, for about an hour and a half and by the end of my time with them I felt like God had moved mountains even through our very causal conversations. I developed such an awesome relationship with them so quickly and they were so excited to learn about me and my beliefs and what I was doing here and we even talked briefly about AIDS and what they could do to stop it. It was a short and general conversation but I know God can work miracles through it and I am so excited to go back and continue to build relationships with them and show them the amazing things God can do in their lives and in the lives of others through them.