
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

My name is Erin Leigh Tomchik and I am 17, turning 18 this coming April. Upon first meeting me I may seem shy and quiet but soon enough I may be one of the most energetic people you will ever meet. I am 99% of the time an extreme optimist and the rest of it is the realist in me. I absolutely love people and creating relationships with them not only the two of us but also with God. I work with children on a daily basis and have experienced what it is like to have a group of kids looking up to me for guidance and support. High school was a difficult time in my life but in my junior year I found Jesus Christ who has given me a 180 degree turn-around. I have changed my friends, my attitude, my thoughts, and my every day life so that I could better serve and love Him. I am deeply in love with my Prince and cannot wait to make an impact on the world!