
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The weeks are really beginning to fly by here on the homestead.  My team is continuing to be great and God is continuing to stretch me in ways I never thought I needed to grow.  He is growing me in faith, in dependence on him, in my gifting, and in love.  God has really been my hero.  I love how ever-constant he is.  I love the fact that the same God that encourages, strengthens and heals the people that I meet in hospitals is the same God that we worship in this African church on Sunday, and he is the same God that you adore and pray to at home.  I can say first hand that the Lord has been answering your prayers.  I can practically see the shield of God that surrounds me.  I haven’t gotten sick once.  I have not once felt like I was in serious danger, and this, I believe is because the Lord has “encompassed me in his wings” (Psalm 91), and I know it’s also because the prayer warriors (you) that God has called on my behalf have been faithful to fight a good fight.  So, I would like to thank you, and encourage you to press into God more and more.  Allow him to lead you while you pray to specific and large things.

Maybe one of these days I’ll have a super miraculous story to tell you guys, but unfortunately no one has been raised from the dead yet.  God has simply been teaching me how to bring his spirit into every situation and every conversation that I have with strangers and my team.  He has been teaching me how to go about living daily in his presence and led by him.

Last week, I met a woman in the surgery ward in the Mbabane Hospital.  Her gogo (Grandmother) said that she has been sick for a long time, and from the looks of it she has a huge tumor or on her neck.  She’s scheduled for surgery this week, but the doctors haven’t told her what’s wrong.  I prayed that God would heal her completely and give her supernatural joy and peace while she is in pain.  I don’t know if I’ll have a chance to see her again, but if you all would join me in prayer that would be great.  I’ll let you know if I’m able to see her again, but until then, thank you all for being so wonderful and so supportive.

4 responses to “Every Day Life”

  1. Praying for you is made so easy by your inspiring words, Danielle! I hope your feel Raena’s evening prayer, “and God Bless Danielle”, too.

    Miss Lorri

  2. Hey Danielle! I’m glad things are going well for you while you are serving the Lord! I have been telling my friends about my “super awesome friend who’s in Africa” somewhat often. ;] I praise the Lord for your faithfulness to His lead, and I’m praying for you and your team!

  3. You are a blessing to me and Papa as we read of what you’re doing there. We pray for you everyday, several times, that God will bless you and your team at that very moment. We also pray for your health and safety from big and little bugs. We know how much you love creepy, crawly things:) Seriously, we know God has a plan for you every day. We love you, G and Papa Williams

  4. I love you Danielle! You make me smile for all the right reasons!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I know you have an army of people praying for you here in the states…so neat the way you describe an almost visible shield! YES!!! I pray that God keeps you encompassed in his wings so you remain safe with Him and that through Him alone you will be prepared at all times for whatever comes your way! Even the big spiders! ๐Ÿ™‚ I may be calling YOU to take care of the spiders in the house instead of Dad!! Danielle!!!! Can you come get this gigantic spider out of my room?

    Love, Mom ๐Ÿ™‚