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                                         What’s good team?

My full name is Francisco Santiago III. But most people call me, Frank, Frankie, or Frank the Tank. You can call me what you would like. First and foremost you should know that I am from Philly. You probably won’t go a day without me saying something about the city that loves you back. Not only am I born and raised in Philadelphia, but I’m from the hood. That too will be apparent to you right from the door. I am 23 and will be 24 in March. I am a first generation Puertorican American. I love sports and I am all about athletics. I’m tough but fair. I say what’s on my mind and I don’t hold back on what’s to be said. I don’t sugar coat things, but I keep it real. I fight for what’s right, and I don’t back down. I am a discipline person, who loves to challenge others. I am from the streets. I had a hard childhood, but I am not defined by what God chose me to go through. I am defined by my identity in him and, in his ultimate plan for my life. Some may look at me and notice the tattoos and dark eyes, serious looking face, and some times stern way of going about things. But my core and heart in life is to do the will of our father. And in that, my drive is to be a soldier for Christ. I have been called by God, to go out and lead his young generation of believers. Not because I think it’s what I should do, but because I have been called out by name to do his will. His instrument to do his dirty work. I am blessed to be in his plans. Psalm 144:1 should give you and idea of my mind set. I love God’s people. Holla at me!