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“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.

Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1


When I look into the sweet faces of the little girls at the slums this verse takes on a whole new meaning.  God created all of us to live in complete freedom.  Aside from assuring us eternity, living in freedom on this earth is one of the main purposes why he came.  How in the world do you tell a five year old little girl to “Stand firm, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery”?  On Tuesday we went to about 35 of these precious girls that we have had relationships now for almost 3 months.  We taught them what God says about sexual abuse.  If you could only see them, they are just little girls!  Tricia, Allie and Kyleigh all spoke to them about how they are precious princesses of God.  They told them to cling onto God when they are afraid.  We told them that God will be faithful to provide for them what they need, and that they don’t need to sell themselves to earn money.  We told them that in Christ we have freedom from shame.  We taught them to say this phrase, and in our group these little ones screamed it at the top of their lungs: “I will not fear for my God is with me!”.  Pray that these girls are empowered by the Holy Spirit in that phrase.  Pray that God’s power would rest on these girls and that dangerous men would stay clear away from them because of it.  During the teaching, my team scattered themselves throughout, and looking across I saw solemn attentive faces, and other heads buried between knees and into my other team members laps. 


I believe that some enemy territory was taken back that day.  We made bracelets with them, hugged their faces, and they started to run around and play like little girls.  As insignificant as it may seem, it was huge.  In this community, 10 year olds are forced to be mothers for their younger siblings, they don’t normally play like this.  After the teaching and the craft was done the whole place erupted in excited play.  It was freedom.


I know the girls left that day, and were confronted with the same problems that always confront them, but God has shone his hope to them already.  God has officially stepped into these little girls lives like a mighty man.  All I know to do now is pray.


Prayer requests:

  • The violence against these girls is hatred and demonic.  Pray that God would brake the enemies hold on them, and bring healing and restoration.
  • We are going to the slums again today to teach the kids about the armor of God.  Pray that this lesson will be powerful and effective against the schemes of the enemy in their lives.
  • We only have 5 more days left doing ministry in Swaziland.  We will be saying bye to a lot of people we love.  Pray that God would continue to prepare us to go home. 

One response to “Freedom”

  1. Danielle, I have just loved reading your updates and praying for you. Your life is an inspiration to many. I pray that you have great impact these last few days and that when you leave you know that God has used you in a mighty way. Love you girl and I can’t wait to see you again!! Love, EM