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2: Timothy 1:7, I have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.

Hey Everyone!  Let me start out by saying this trip has most assuredly been the most exciting thing I’ve ever done in my life.  Joining with total strangers all with the same Savior has been amazing.  Something that I think has been challenging for us all is fear.  Fear of meeting new people and not being liked.  Fear of getting on that fifteen hour flight.  Fear of just being away from home.  Fear of snakes, scorpions, and the bugs that frequently crawl around in our huts.  Fear is everywhere from the petty little things that aren’t so petty to us to the seriousness of the devil working over here through the witch doctors.

Yes, we have been afraid, but God doesn’t yell at us and say “toughen up”.  He says, “Its okay, I love you and I’m carrying you through this.”  Prayer and Scripture have become so much more important to us.  He is growing us in ways I would have never imagined.  Our fear, our weakness is growing us all in the Lord. 

In the Hospital me, Danielle, and Megan entered a room with a sign on the door that read “The Dark Room”.   Inside we found a little boy curled up in a ball on an iron bed.  He looked as if he had a flesh eating disease.  It was the result of chicken pox not being treated.  This room, that was the size of a shoe box, smelled extremely foul.  I looked into his eyes and saw such fear.  I wanted to cry for him to pick him up and take him home to the U.S. to get him real care and help.  He was just lying there in pain in his own waste and at night he had to sleep in this creepy dark room. 

We gathered around his bed and sang praises to God.  Danielle read him Psalms 18; a Scripture that she says has carried her through her fear.  Then, as me and Megan sang, she prayed over him.  She prayed that God would take away every bit of evil out of that room and that he would never be afraid.  I felt so much better after she did.  I felt God’s presence in there.  Normally, I hate leaving the kids in the hospital fearing what’s going to happen to them while I’m gone; but I know that when we left God didn’t.

6 responses to “Freedom from Fear”

  1. Hey Sister,

    I am sitting here with Mr. Roy at Trident waiting on Mrs. Patsy’s surgery to end. I read your update to him, Sheryl, Nancy and Ken Bunch. Mr. Roy says to tell you he loves you very much and misses you. We are all praying over you and your scripture today was the one we prayed over your grandmother. She was a little afraid of the surgery to her knee and the recovery process.

    Hi Meagan, This is Ms. Nancy. We are praying for you and Kenny and I can’t wait for you to get back , so we can hear all the awesome stories. I hope you are journaling, if you have the time. You can write a book when you return. Love you darling and see you when you get home. Love you.

  2. Meagan
    Brandy had ababy girl. Her nme is Clarie.
    She Has aHead Full of black hair.
    We will be praying for your safe return.

  3. Sorry to hear you have been sick. Just that old devil trying to keep you off track. But we are praying that you will be well soon and be back busy doing the Father’s business! We love you. Get well soon!
    Sandy & Larry Watkins

  4. I’m so humbled by your message. You have such a way of bringing the tears. I too, wish you could bring him home. I read a verse just today that I never thought about God being in the dark, but my Streams in the Desert said, “Moses approached the thick darkness, where God was” Ex. 20:21 Surely you and those two girls went into a dark room and filled it with the light of Christ. My prayer is that in the middle of his suffering that he will never be lonely again, nor filled with fear….I know I’d be such a weenie, but I wish I were there! I love you, Your mom

  5. I love you! You will always be my princess!

    “Almighty God can make us stronger than our circumstances and can turn each situation to our good….We can take even the darkest disappointment, break it open, and discover a precious jewel of grace inside. Christ is building His kingdom with the broken things of earth….God is the God of the unsuccessful- the God of those who have failed. Heaven is being filled with earth’s broken lives, and there is no bruised reed that Christ cannot take and restore. He can take a life crushed by pain or sorrow and make it a harp whose music will be total praise.” “Follow ME, and I will make you…
    Make you speak My words with POWER
    Make you vessels of My mercy
    Make you helpful every hour

    Follow Me and I will make you….
    Make you what you cannot be
    Make you loving, trustful, godly
    Make you even just like Me.”
    All taken from march 17th devotion in Streams in the Desert