
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Two days ago I fell down or rather off of some stairs at our homestead. My ankle, now purple and the size of the softball, left me discouraged and frustrated. I wanted to be able to play and run around and jump with the kids everywhere.

        I was sitting to the side and praying that God would take away my frustration and pain. I tried to quiet myself even with the chaos of school kids all around me. I found peace-I was exactly where I needed to be. As I sat looking and embracing His beauty a precious little boy about two came over to me. He sat right down in my lap and soon made himself more comfortable. It was not long before he was curled up and fast asleep. This was why I was here! I didn’t need to be crazy and singing or running around. At that moment I knew all this boy needed was love.

        As I wrapped my arms around his little body and stroked his sweaty head I prayed for God to embrace this child as His son. To wrap him up and consume him with His Love. A peace filled me and I drifted off to sleep with a light and content heart.


God can even work and grow us on days when we feel inadequate or discouraged!

6 responses to “God Works Through Every Day”

  1. Oh, Megan Sweetie …
    Such a beautiful picture of how God uses everything! We’re both teary reading … but smiling, too (you come by weak ankles naturally!) We’ll be praying and trust God will bless the babies and you, too! Love you much! Dad & Mom

  2. (My first try didn’t work :0 )

    Your story sounds like heaven. Seriously I don’t know anything better in this world than loving on a sleeping child! I miss you very much but there is no way I would want to take you away from all the amazing things happening!

  3. Megan, I love you! I am so happy you are where the Lord has you. I am praying for you. Philipians 2:15 : )

  4. Our prayers are with you Megan as He brings you to the end of your strength, your plans, your ideas and fills you with HIS! I know how hard it is, but it truly is the best place to be. He will change you and use you there in the lives of children so precious to Him. As you wait on Him, He will renew your strength, because when you are weak, He is strong. We love you!
    Celeste for all the Delaneys

  5. Oh, Megan !! What a touching and moving story…one of many, many that I’m sure you’ll tell us about once you’re home. We’re praying for you…know it 🙂

    btw…Frank thinks you fell in response to a particularly big bug……??

    Love to you-
    Robin & Frank