
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

                        God is so good! The Lord has blessed all of us on this trip thus far. We have gone too local hospitals and orphanages and spread the love of Christ. Tibutini, Swaziland is where we’re staying. It is very rural and the dependency on God is much higher. It seems this is how most people function here. When they can’t turn to money or shelter they turn to there other false gods. We will continue to emulate Christ and walk in his authority to win souls to the kingdom. The enemy doesn’t want us here and series of events have proven that. This is good, I believe, because we know we are here under Gods will

                        This is my prayer for the future of this trip. Lord, I pray you would continue to show me your will for this trip, help me to lay everything about my life down to you daily. Father, fill my cup so that others will see you in me regardless of language barrier i pray that in every smile laugh and tear you would be glorified. I pray all these things in the name of Jesus. AMEN! 🙂 Thank you so much for your prayers they have been needed and utilized greatly.


your brother in Christ,



One response to “Good News”

  1. Alex, What an amazing prayer. We are praying for you every day and I know that God is making you a blessing. Keep close to Him and He will guide you.
    Love, Debbie McFarlane