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Thoughts & Inspiration

ways never cease to amaze me. Nearly every saturday we go to the capital city
Mbanbane for ministry. We visit the hospital there and then an abandoned babies
home. Last saturday our team got the chance to meet and talk with Michael
Pratt, the man who started this ministry. Turns out that all the way across the
globe God showed me just how connected all His children are. Michael’s wife
Robin is a nurse and used to run the abandoned babies ward at the hospital we
visit in Mbanbane. God really started challenging them to provide a home for
these children and now they have twenty children who live permanently at the
home they have provided for them. The children they take in are not up for
adoption they have created a permanent home and family stability for them to
grow up in. It is so traumatic for children to come to home and bond with other
children and the ladies that take care of them and then have to leave.

As I
talked to Michael Pratt about his ministry I soon found out that he too was
from Alaska. Being as Alaska is such a small state population wise he was able
to give me a lot of connections to people in Anchorage. I live in Fairbanks,
Alaska and am moving to Anchorage, Alaska (a six hour drive south of Fairbanks)
this fall for nursing school. I literally do not know a single person in
Anchorage and have recently felt quite intimidated by the whole process. God
spoke so clearly through this situation that He has all His children in His
hands. This man was able to in a way introduce me to his home church in
Anchorage, which may become my new church family for the next two years. Also,
he gave me the information of a man who lives in Anchorage who used to be the
Chief Medical Officer of the hospital in Manzini that we visit twice a week. He
said that this man would get a huge kick out of talking to me about Swaziland
and would possibly be the man to talk to about coming back here as a missionary
nurse. This is just an exciting story of how God is working out situations in
my life and is just holding my hand and guiding my steps.
