
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

A couple weeks ago I went to church with Kate (the FYM leader here) and I had only been there once before. We arrived and were warmly welcomed, but not the “good morning, handshake, see you later” kind of greeting but an embrace followed by finding me somewhere to sit since at the time I was still on crutches and then sitting down to see how my week was kind of welcome. We went through our normal kids church program and back into the service. I was once again showed where to sit and this time the head pastor  came over and asked me how my foot was and if he could pray for healing. Not long after he was at the front of the church and asking the congregation to pray for their sister’s foot that it would heal. I was blown away—they don’t even know me.


I was thinking over this event the other day and realized how well it portrays how the body of Christ should be at work. Sure they didn’t know me, I don’t even know their language but prayed because of the common ground we had in Him.


We are the body of Christ. Whether miles from home in a foreign land or sitting at Imago Dei in the Franklin auditorium. God continues to bless me as I learn to grasp another part of His Kingdom… His People.