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     Swaziland is the best…I had no idea I would love it here as much as I do. The people are beautiful and the culture is amazing. I feel more at home here than I ever have before. God is so amazing and I have been so greatful for the opportunity to be here on this land with these people. God has taught me a lot already but there has been one theme that stands out more than the rest…Home. From the very first day we set foot in Africa, I have felt as if I had finally arrived home. Like I had been gone for a very long time, and had been waiting my whole life to be in this place. At first this confused me a little but I still rejoiced because the feeling was amazing…and to this day I still feel like I have found where I belong. I continued to pray about this feeling and have come to an answer from the Lord. But the answer is not what I had expected. I was waiting on the Lord to give me a full time commission to be a missionary to these beautiful people. And although I still do not know if that is where my life is leading, God has shown me the meaning of the word “home”. Home is not living in a certain land during a certain time frame of life, but rather it is abiding in the will of God and trusting in Him everyday to lead you. Home is where ever the Lord is. I have learned to live in His will and His timing. I follow where He leads, therefore I am always home. I am at home in the will of my Heavenly Father. He is everything to me and He alone defines my life.


Tricia Laskowski

(Swazi name: Nocembo: meaning treasure)