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After cutting my hand pumpkin carving I found myself going back into the hospital for reconstructive surgery. If we waited any longer I would lose the ability to move four fingers on my right hand. As I waited in my hospital room I was all of the sudden overwhelmed by my lack of control. I had people pray with me and I know they were trying to calm me but in all actuality I was just mad that I had to go through all of it. But then my mom gave me a bookmark. It was one of those bookmarks with your name, its meaning and a verse. It had Joshua 1:9 on it.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.

My parents couldn’t go with me and I was truly terrified but somehow I understood. He was WITH ME!! It is amazing the calm that comes from that knowledge. He was with me!!!

I came out fine and after therapy I have full movement of my hand and fingers. But I always look back and it is a reminder of my Lord, my Friend, my Protector always with me. A seemingly insignificant thing yet it has shaped so much of my own belief in Him.

I believe He will never leave me!