
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Dreams are part of our lives for a reason, and ever since about a year ago I have learned that they are meant to be chased.  Since I was a young girl I have dreamed to be a teacher, a singer, a missionary, etc.  My dreams have changed as I have gotten older but there are a few that have remained.  I have always been afraid to pursue those that were impractical because of uncertainty.  I was afraid of failing if I pursued something, and then I would have to find new dreams. 

Last year I attended a conference and heard a very wise man preach about dreams in life.  He said that God put dreams in our hearts for a reason.  They didn’t just have to remain untouchable, but instead we could pursue those dreams.  The Lord puts desires in our hearts for a reason, and that is what makes us who we are.  If I never pursued the dream of being a missionary in Africa, then I wouldn’t be going on this trip to Swaziland for the next 3 months!  I always thought it was something that was cool to dream about, but I thought it probably would never happen.   

From now on I hope I will be the person to encourage others to chase after their dreams.  The Lord created our inner most being, He knit us together in our mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13).  He surely put our dreams in place for a reason…  Our thoughts are precious to Him!