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Thoughts & Inspiration

                           Trust is the fundamental principal of all relationships. We all have trust in our lives. Whether it is as mudane as the alarm clock that wakes you up in the morning, or as important as the surgeon that saves your physical life from death, it is there. Why is it there? Trust is there because it is necessary for those relationships to function correctly. If you can’t trust your alarm clock to wake you up why use it. If your life is on the line and you can’t trust a surgeon that would perform surgery on you, would you let him perform?

                               My grandmother, like all grandmothers, is the best in the world. She is a great christian, and one of the most giving people I know. My mother was 18 years old when I was born and she had to grow up fast because of it. Consequently I spent a huge amount of time with my grandma. I feel completely lucky to have such a close relationship to my grandmother. Now 20 years latter she is sick. She has had issues with her potassium levels, and her spine is deteriorating. My grandpa has to carry her up and down stairs now. My grandma’s attitude is amazing. Everytime I talk to her she is a happy person. The only thing that could be keeping her happy is the fact that God is her strength. It’s noticeable when a person puts there trust in God. I believe she has defeated her sickness because of it, not because shes cured, because she is a child of the one living God, and she knows it.

                             God asks for my trust everyday. I truthfully can’t say that I have given it fully everyday. Looking at my grandma makes it an easier pursuit. This picture of Denali (Mt. McKinley) was taken from the window of a plane I took from Fairbanks to Anchorage. It really reminds me of the God we serve. If we can trust in the  imperfect alarm clock everyday . . . If we can trust in an imperfect surgeon to mend our wound . . . How much more can we trust in our Lord God, creator of all, perfect in every way. That in and of itself puts a smile on my face.

                           Proverbs 3:5-6 says Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight (NIV).

Psalm 20:7 says Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord (NIV).

Isaiah 26:4 says Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord is the rock eternal (NIV).

Psalm 91:2 says I will say of the Lord “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God ,in whom I trust” (NIV)


            I believe in a trustworthy God!

2 responses to “I believe . . .”

  1. I read my daughters (Allie Williams) blog and decided to read one more before going to bed. I had never thought of my trust in imperfect things till I read your blog like getting on airplanes, or my computer. Thank you for sharing your verses on trusting god…Anthony

  2. Alex,
    Awesome thought! Wonderful way to wake up to an alarm clock and start thinking about Our Wonderful God and how we need to trust Him more…Debbie