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I was born early on a cold, rainy December morning. My mom loves to say that I came into this world with my own agenda and that’s exactly how I’m going out because I was born face-first; it was as if I wanted to check it out before I decided if this was where I wanted to be. I grew up in a very loving non-Christian home with amazing parents who continue to have an awesome marriage and show me love everyday. Both of my parents grew up in Christian homes, but were barely even casual Christians (my great-grandma is an amazing woman of God, and took me to church as a child). One funny story is that I “prayed” to God one time that He would tell Santa that I had been good and ask him to give me what I wanted. My justification was that God and Santa were neighbors. Anyway, I went to AWANA when I was 11 because everyone at my school went to some church thing on Wednesday night. A year later, I accepted Christ; but on the nights I went to church, I didn’t do homework, so my dad made me quit AWANA. Well, after that middle school stunk: cause we all know that kids smell bad at that age and because life is pretty much awful during those years. My sophomore year of high school, after the stinkiness wore off, a friend that ALWAYS talked about how fun and cool her youth group was asked me to go with her, and that was the beginning of the biggest change of my life. I don’t know when it happenned exactly, but that year, I gote on fire for Christ. I recommitted my life to Him, got baptized, and started attending youth group and church regularly. My life changed so much! During my junior year, I decided that I wanted and was being called to go into ministry. God called me to Tabor College, and I just grew more on fire for Him here. I’ve been through some rough stuff in my life, and some amazing stuff too, but I would not change any of it, because I know that God has been faithful to me since before I was born, and that He has a plan for me greater than anything I could ever imagine.