
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

As my time in Africa is nearing its end, the sorrow of parting ways is beginning to creep in. I feel as if the theme of my trip has been God teaching my prideful heart how to trust Him. As soon as I feel that I have fully comprehended a lesson He is teaching me about trusting Him, He reveals to me yet another area where He is bidding for my full reliance on Him. In the time I have remaining to write this I cannot even begin to go into detail about all the areas God has taught me to trust during this trip. He has taught me to trust with money, my future, my heart, and other people’s hearts. He has taught me to trust His timing and where He chooses to place people on the globe. Now He is teaching me to trust Him in the lives of those I have built relationships with when I am no longer here. I will trust Him with the lady at the hospital I visit every Tuesday and Thursday that she will not be overcome by loneliness but fully rely on God as her comfort because He can take far better care of her soul then I can even begin to imagine. I will trust Him with the sweet children I will miss holding at the slums because He is their father in heaven and He definitely has a better vantage point to keep an eye on them. I will trust Him with Sahkile, though I won’t be able to see Him and know he is alright I know that my God reigns over his life. I will trust God with these children of His and not worry about them for that is not what He has called me to. I will lift them up in prayer and then let God be God.

2 responses to “Let God be God”

  1. Oh my little one,
    Oh very exciting to see God work so powerfully in your life. Trusting God is such a part of a Christian life and yet it seems we are always having to choose to do it over and over again. I love you so much and even though it may be hard to leave and you are going to be leaving a huge hunk of your heart in Swaziland, I can’t wait to see you. Love you lots, Mom

  2. Dear Linda,
    I’m thankful for the vision God has given you of trusting Him. The experience you have had these months in Swaziland is something you will never get over.May God fully work out His purpose in your life.I’m looking forward to you coming home. God bless you.
    With love,