
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Entering our last week of ministry we have some prayer requests…


Squatter Camp-

This week we have a special set of VBSs planned. On Tuesday we will be splitting the girls and boys. The boys will be going over being warriors for Christ. Teaching of how to stand firm and confident in Him. The girls we are talking about purity and touching on some of the huge sexual abuse issues present in their lives. We want to affirm in them the beauty God sees in them. Please be praying that God will be working in their hearts. Restoring them. Giving us the words we say to minister to them fully. 

Thursday we are having our last VBS and teaching them about the armor of God. We want to leave them with the feeling that they are empowered in Him and even though we are not here anymore they have the tools needed to fight away darkness in His Name.


Baby Benjamin-

            I have written before about precious little Benjamin. He was discharged last week. I saw him again on April 1st. His mom brought him to the outpatient clinic to have a check up. He was so frail and is not doing well. He had lost weight since discharged and after talking with an American doctor she explained his is in severe malnutrition. He needs to be readmitted and put on a special milk to replenish his body. His mother refused to admit him and I have not been able to see him since. Please pray for his health to be restored. Pray that I will see him readmitted this week. Pray for his family as they are plagued with sickness as well. Pray for His light to shine into this situation and this family’s lives.



            At the Mbabane hospital I have been visiting a family for almost a month now. God completely connected me with them in weird ways. It was one of those times you look back and go, “Wow it must have been God.”  The short of it is there are twin babies about 3 months old at the hospital. They break my heart. They are so malnutritioned. At 3 months they are right around 2.5kg each. Their father is completely checked out and their mother is in the women’s ward very sick with TB and HIV. She continues to decline. I have had the privilege to pour into and minister to Pumzile- an orphanage worker who has taken on the care of the babies and now the mother as well. She has an amazing heart! Please pray for Healing over this family. Pray that they are reunited together. Pray that if needed the funds will come in for the babies to stay at the orphanage. Pray that through everything that the people effected by this situation will be confident in His good and perfect plan.


Our team-

            As we enter this last ministry week we are so full of emotions. We are torn as we begin to think or plan for home and as we say goodbye and wrap up our time here. Pray that we are filled with His peace as we leave behind those we have built relationships with. Pray that we finish strong and with excellence. Pray for unity as it is easy to turn our thoughts to ourselves these last weeks. Pray for energy and endurance, as we are feeling worn and tired from the trip. Pray above all else that God be glorified in our actions.



            One of the translators here had to go into emergency appendectomy surgery this last week. She is staying at the clinic here and the bills are quite extensive($2000 USD for the surgery and her stay). Please pray that God provides for this situation with restored health and financially covering. If you would like contribute to her bills and bless our sister in Christ here in Swaziland please contact at [email protected]or [email protected].


High School-

            This last week we finally got to get in to the high school and speak. We performed a drime and spoke truth into their lives. We go back again this week. Pray that God works in the relationships we built. Let Him guide our words to fill them with truth and empower them to shine in this nation for Him. Danielle is speaking so pray for her to be filled with the Spirit as she speaks His Word into their lives. 


One response to “Lift Us Up in Prayer”

  1. You guys, GOD BLESS YOU for you amazings hearts for the people of Swazi! I pray that you would be encouraged, strengthened and BE ALL YOU CAN BE as you carry out this last week!