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Thoughts & Inspiration

I was born in Colorado Springs, Colorado and moved to Fairbanks, Alaska when I was eight years old and it has been home for the last ten years. I have an older brother and sister who live here in Alaska also. My mother taught in small christian schools my whole life so that is where I attended school. Growing up in a Christian home and attending Christian schools created an amazing environment for learning about God and developing a strong faith in God. I always knew about Jesus and asked him into my heart at a young age. However, what I believed became real and dear to me around age 12. The summer I was 14 God blessed me with the opportunity to go on a missions trip to Mexico for 10 days. Those tens days changed my life; I never felt more peace and contentment. I knew I wanted to serve God in a missions setting. When I came home I starting seeking God’s direction for my life. I have almost completed the prereqs for the nursing program in Alaska and if it is God’s will I would love to use those skills in a foreign missionary setting. I am a nurse’s assistant at an assisted living home and absoulutely love it. Between work and school I enjoy snowboarding, soccer, camping, hiking, and anything outdoors