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No matter what people say or admit to, Love is important to everyone. Having someone to love and being loved. Growing up I never felt unloved. I was so blessed to have a family who deeply cared for me and showed that.

I was always taught that Jesus loved me I never knew how important that would be to me one day.

We all sang it Jesus loves me this i know for the Bible tells me so little ones to him belong they are weak but he is strong. I remember i loved that song and i didnt really know why. I knew there was this man name Jesus and he did something great for me and HE LOVED ME! I knew that was a good thing and i liked balling up my fist and flexing my muscles to show just how strong he was! 🙂

Then oneday out of nowhere i had grown up some and i started to feel alone. I started longing to have someone to love and wanting someone to love me. Everyone always told me that I didnt need to worry about it just lean on God and fall deeply in Love with him. My mom would always tell me that God had someone hand picked for me. I would pray for this person from time to time I’d Pray that God would speak to him and that he would be a good christian that would fall deeply in love with God too.

I never knew the heartbreak I would oneday feel after I had fallen in Love with someone. Loving someone shouldnt be hard and you shouldnt have to get your heart broken but it does happen. For me and im sure this goes for alot of people but the term heart break became so real to me. Sometimes i’d actually feel like my heart was broken or half of it was missing. But THANK GOD he hit me over the head with his love. See I had made an awful mistake I had let this person become my strength instead of GOD i depended on him(my boyfriend) and he let me down just like im sure i let him down. I was focusing and putting more work in my relationship with him than I was with God. I Praise God for my heartbreak. Because its possible that if my heart didnt get broken i would have gotten further away from my Love and Strength in God.

GOD should NEVER EVER be a last resort or someone you ONLY lean on when things get bad or when your heart breaks. My biggest prayer and hope is that God will continue to become my everything and that I can daily give it all to him. I love him so much and Im so thankful for his love. YES I am weak but he is MORE than strong enough to carry me. I believe that God is love.

Everything by Lifehouse is my favorite “love song” to sing to my Jesus! 🙂