
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi fellow chirstians! It’s a pleasure to be writting this “autobiography” that will help you get to know me better. To really get to know me I think you would have to know my passions so I’ll start out with a few. I love to sing I started from the time I could talk and no one has gotten me to shut up yet! I started childrens chour when i was three years old and eventually moved on to the church praise team. I am hoping to soon learn guitar. I also particapaite in my church youth group. I am the oldest so most of the youth group look up to me. It’s a tough standard to live up to but with Gods help I’m striving to do it. My responsabilities in the youth group are mailing postcards to people who have missed church or new arrivals to the youth group. I also film most of the youth events and put them into my computer to edit them. This is a way to draw other youth members to particapaite in the youth events. I first came to know Jesus at the age of seven and have been living my life for him ever since then. I try to be an example of him daily to others around me. It is my goal in life to lead others to him and tell them of his healing power and amazing love and forgiveness. God has blessed me in so many ways I want to live my life as his servant. I can’t wait to go on a trip with you guys and spread the word!