
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

            I continue to give glory to God! Everyday is filled with his evedent grace and it has blessed this trip. I have built relationships with many of the locals and continue to learn the language. At the local slums we that we go every wed. and fri. i have met many children. There One that has made an impression on me. Her name is Nameela. She is 7 years old. It seems every time we are there she ends up running to me and i just hold her for a while. I hold many little kids every time we are there so this is not unusuall, but every time i hold Nameela its different. I feel like God wants me to inerceed for her in prayer. I should be praying for all of them and I do. although I have never felt such a direct instruction from God. Anyone that can help me lift her up in prayer would be geat. This is my prayer for Nameela.


            “Father, I thank you for your children and how i continue to see you in them. Lord i lift up Nameela to you right now. Continue to provide food and shelter for her. I pray you would continue to put a hedge of protection around her. Hold her lord. Continue to fill her with the joy a child should have. I give you all the glory father. In your name Amen!


God bless