
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi, Family and Friends!!!

This is Kristen, one of the Real Life Swazi leaders. As y’all know, yesterday was our communication day for the team. We came into Manzini and went to the internet cafes in the morning. The plan was to leave around 2pm and go to a market where we would barter and such.

Most of y’all were either on skype with your participant at the time or read an email by them telling you that people were running in the streets and store owners were closing their shops. The main system of transportation in Swaziland is public transport, otherwise known as public koombies. All the koombie drivers went on strike yesterday morning, protesting the high fines set on them by the police (when you are pulled over in Swaziland, you pay your fine right there to the police officer instead of sending it in like in America) and the high price of petrol (gas)–something we can definitely commiserate with in America!

Because of our location during the strike, we were able to see what was going on pretty well–but we were safe the entire time. The shops we were in closed immediately (with us inside) and as soon as the situation was safe, Frankie and I got the team far away from any trouble. By 2pm we were back on our homestead in Timbutini, the land of many goats, which is at least 20-25 minutes away from Manzini.

Thank you so much for your prayers as y’all knew what was going on as it was happening. Hopefully no one was too worried, but we wanted to post online just in case. The team is at the homestead today and will be doing ministry in Timbutini for the time being. Frankie and I came into town to check out the situation and have found it peaceful. There aren’t as many koombies on the roads, but the drivers are willing to work again. The threat of violence has passed.

As for the team, we are doing well–as y’all heard yesterday for yourselves. This recent event has only spurred us on to pray even more, not only for our personal safety and ministry but also for the nation of Swaziland. We’ve seen God work in such amazing ways already, from the physical healing of those we’ve come in contact with to ones who have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. As we minister in this broken land, touch those who are rejected from their own families, and love on those who have no one to love them, we have seen again and again the awesome power and grace of our incredible God. We have fallen on our knees in intercession and in praise, completely overwhelmed at what we have seen and the humbling honor to be a witness to such events.

Thank you so much for your prayers and your encouragement! Y’all are on our hearts as well, as our emails and phone calls have shown. We pray for you daily. And we know that if we post about a prayer request or a need that y’all are praying as well, and that even when we can’t get to tell you what’s going on, that y’all are on your knees, covering us in prayer. And because of this, God is blessing your ministry in Swaziland in such an incredible way.

We love you and we miss you!!! Have a great day!


P.S. Because of recent events, it is uncertain when we will be able to post blogs this week. If they are not posted on Thursday as they have been in the past, please do not worry! We are okay; we just live in Africa. :0) The blogs will be posted as soon as it is possible to do so. :0)