
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration



God is giving me a couple of speaking opportunities this week.  As excited as I am to see God move through them, I’m not used to preaching in front of groups of people.  I’ve done teachings in smaller settings, but the Lord is obviously stretching me this week.


I could use some prayer.


This week we finally made it to the high school on time Wednesday morning.  We had been having a lot of difficulties getting there in previous weeks.  It was kind of frustrating, but that fact that we were there on time was a huge answer to prayer.  Thank you, to everyone who prayed for that! Praise God!  We finally got into the door.  We as a team have now begun many relationships with Swazi teenagers that I hope will prove to be very fruitful when it comes to presenting truth about their God and their generation.  As a team we’ve become really passionate about seeing them rise up as a generation out of the patterns that destroy their lives and their hope.  We want to see them taste God and everything he has for them.  We want to see this nation change, but it will not be us that changes this nation by any means.  It will be God moving through the young people of Swaziland.


Pray for this high school.  There are around 450 lively teenagers there.


Ÿ         Pray that they find their hope and their dependence in God.

Ÿ         Pray that through God’s strength they could obey God and surrender the things that keep them far from him.

Ÿ         Pray for protection against attacks from the enemy over them.

Ÿ         Pray that God would fill their hearts with a zealous passion to see his kingdom come and his will be done. 

Ÿ         Pray that God would show them purpose, dreams and visions as they start to seek him.


Thank you so much for joining me in this.  I expect that the Lord will do great things.