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There is an unbridled
passion in my life that screams to run after something great. There have been many things in my life that I
have run after that I should not. There have been many things that I have
allowed to distract me from the only thing worthy of my praise. I have come to
realize that the Lord is a very jealous God and He wants to be the focus of my
life and the passion of my heart. He wants to transform my life with His love
if only I would allow Him to become my everything. If only I would give up all
control and trust Him with my life. If only I would surrender my life in full
to Him.

Until this trip, I have not understood how to focus my
passions. I always knew I was passionate, but instead of being passionate for
Christ alone, I just let myself be passionate about everything around me. It
seems so simple in hinds-sight, but I never fully understood until now the joy,
peace and contentment of allowing the Lord of everything to consume every part
of my life. Running after Him with all my heart, soul and mind has brought me
such happiness and purpose. I have found what my heart has longed for. I have
found that the Lord is the perfect solution for the longing of my heart. He
shows me new things every day and I long for His glorious presence more than
anything. I am always left wanting more; more of His power, more of His love,
more of His glory to be revealed to me. Nothing else matters in this life. I am
in a race to seek the face of God, and I am bringing as many people with me as
I can. I am running after Him with all my might and I want the world to know my

I guess this was the point all along. God has created my
heart to run after Him. He has created me to be passionate about Him so that I
can not only live abundantly, but also so that I can preach to the nations
about the greatness of the Lord. The Lord has focused my passion on Himself,
and it is the best thing that has ever happened to me. This world holds nothing
for me. All that matters is seeking the face of the Lord, and showing others
that they too can have the most amazing relationship of their lifetime.

-Tricia Laskowski-

(Nomcebo Lukhele)

One response to “Passion with Focus”

  1. Sounds like you are having some wonderful times with the One true love of life. Keep running hard after Jesus! We all should strive for the same….just leave all those other “idols” aside and pursue the One who knows everything about us, yet loves us with great passion! We are praying for you and the team!
    Ms Zelda