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Hebrews 11:1, Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Greetings!  I have a special prayer request for a little boy in the hospital.  I have been able to form a relationship with his mother.  He is five years old and has been unconscious for a full month now.  She says he has polio; his feet and legs are all twisted.  When I was in the room talking to her and reading her Scripture he had a few mild seizures.   We both just held him.  I massaged his feet and legs with lotion.  His mother said “Now he will smell nice” and smiled.  It broke my heart to see her sitting with her son who doesn’t even know he’s in the world.  She sits there every day just waiting for something to change and it never does.  She still smiles, though. Through it all she still has hope.  Please pray for both of them this week.  The little boys name is Fakazi and his mother’s name is Dorian.  Thank you so much for your love and support. 

2 responses to “Prayer Request”

  1. Thank you for including us in your journey to Swaziland. I have already prayed and forwarded your email to the prayer warriors of FOP. We are believing God for a miracle in Fakazi’s life.

    I am reminded today as I read your update of Esther and her conversation with Mordecai. He said, “Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”
    I echo the words of Mordecai over you… who knows whether you have come to the kingdom of Swaziland for such a time and child as this?

    Praying for you continually!
    Pastor Tim

  2. That scripture is just what we are currently studying in our Believing God Bible Study….I am joining you in praying for Fakazi and his mom. Don’t you know that massage soothed his whole body…..for in as much as you have done it unto the least of these….You’ve done it unto Jesus. That poor mom may feel forgotten and dejected but you are helping to ignite her hope in a God who is able. Much love to you all! mom