
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Lately, God has been reminding me that He has a divine plan and purpose for everyone He has created. Further than that, He has promised to fulfill that plan and guide the steps of those who surrender to Him.

Sometimes, I look at the people of Swaziland and find myself getting upset because I do not understand why God would allow my beautiful brothers and sisters to suffer so much. I just want to fix all their problems and be their Savior, instead of letting their true Savior work in their lives how He sees fit. How vain for me to assume that I know better than God what is right for the people of Swaziland.  He can only use me to help them if I can submit to His omnipotent plan even when I do not understand. I have to remember that although I cannot always comprehend why God works the way He does, He has promises of truth and life for His people.  He has promised to never leave them nor forsake them. He has promised that nothing can ever separate us from His love. He has promised that everything will work out for the good of those who are called according to His purpose.

I find hope in these things. I find hope when I remember to lean not on my own understanding, but rather on the truth and promises of a God who loves His children. God is showing me how to trust Him. He is showing me how to submit even when I do not understand the circumstances. This allows me to love the people of Swaziland with a much more confident love. If I know that God is with them and loves them and has promised to be with them where ever they go, then and only then can I truly show them how to do the same.