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Thoughts & Inspiration

I wanted to share with you a story that has touched my heart.

A worker in China writes: I am a single woman working in a Chinese city alone, but God is with me in everything!   When I first arrived in my city, I moved into my apartment and called my family to give them my new phone number.   My mother’s first statement was, “An ambulance has just picked up your sister.   She will be dead by the end of the week.”   (She had been suffering with cancer for some time.)   I didn’t know what to do.

After investigating a way to get to the states, God led me to call home again.   I said, “God, I can’t.   I know my sister is gone.”   However, I called and found out that my sister had just died.   I talked to my mom for a while and then sat on my couch alone.   I asked God, “Why am I here?   I should be with my family!”

Immediately there was a knock on my window.   A young lady said, “I was told that I should come and see you.   May I come in?”   Totally unaware of what I was going through she plopped down on the couch and said, “I have been searching for God. Can you tell me about the true God?   She accepted Jesus as her Savior that day.

I thanked God for reminding me why I live overseas and that I am never alone.   Even when I walk through the valley of the shadow of grief, He is with me.   Those who think I am a team of one can’t see the One who stands beside me.

Psalm 23:1-4, “The lord is my shepherd; I have everything that I need.   He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside the peaceful streams.   He renews my strength.   He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.   Even when I walk through the dark valley of death, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.”

God has called each one of you for a specific purpose.   At this time in your support raising some of you may be asking, “Will I get enough raised?”   Please do not get discouraged, work at it with all your might.   Get your prayer teams to pray.   This is when you need them around you the most.   Don’t lose sight of your goal.  

Don’t miss the opportunity that God has placed in front of you, like the women in China, she was obedient to God and look what God did for her.   Don’t get discouraged, if you are, please let us know.   We want to encourage you and pray for you.


9 responses to “Raising Support ~ Encouragement ~”

  1. I’ll be honest, I’m getting discouraged right now…I have less than $1,000 raised and haven’t had anything come in for two weeks. Plus, I’ve only had a total of $100 donated from members of my church…it’s pretty disheartening. I try not to think about it, but when I do, that’s how I feel.

  2. It is amazing how the devil really attacks. I had a large donation this last week that I am just waiting to show up. I should be over the top excited yet I am discouraged as some of my family and close friends have yet to show an interest in my trip. It is satan at work i have no doubt. Within the same week of having my support done, airplane tickets bought, shots done and insurance bought. I think it is no coincidence that I have had several attacks!

    Team- We can do it! Stay strong! One of my fav verses is Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”

    Don’t forget the God that we serve!!!

  3. Hey group I am with Leah on this whole thing. its seems as though I can’t get anyone else excited about this trip besides my community group. I have been telling freinds and relative about this and the best thing they can say is “don’t get eatin’ by a rhino!”…
    I know God will provide I am confidant that we is already working through all of this… I have a praise though! I found out a week ago that my wisdom teeth where coming, so I went to the dentist to get some x-rays taken just in case they where growing in crooked and I found out that they where infected. so not having any health insurance and being broke as a joke I know I wasnt going to be able to afford getting them taken out.
    The dentist said make sure you get these out before you go to Africa or else this could be really bad.
    So I called my aunt to ask her what I should do and she said “well you can’t afford 1,300 dollars to get them out” and then she proceeded to tell me about a dentist she knew.
    I got a call back and from my aunt and she said she had spoke to the dentist and he said that he would do the whole operation at no cost!

    Praise the Lord!

  4. I am also feeling satans attacks. Over Thanksgiving my family decided to collaborate against and not support my trip. They are actually going out of their way to tell people not to support me and in turn it is making my parents mad at me since I am the one who convinced them I should go. This is something I have really been struggling with the past few weeks but I am happy to say that I am still just pushing though the best I can.

  5. Wow guys. It sounds like we have some opposition, but if we are suppose to be on this trip then we will. None of you will be seperated from the plans God has for you.
    Leah- I absoultely know that you WIll be on this trip. I pray right now that God would provide for you, and encourage you. Just ask Jesus what the next step is for you to take.
    Megan- I can’t wait to meet you. Even if some of your family and friends don’t support you, I do. I pray that God would turn their hearts around so they can encourage you. You got a big donation? That’s so exciting!
    Daniel- A 1300 surgery for FREE!? YES! When are you scheduled for surgery?
    Erin- Do they have a reason for not supporting you? Has their attitude changed at all since Thanksgiving?

  6. They are afraid of me getting AIDS or getting stuck there by violence and not coming home. That is it. And I have been through it with them soooo many times the precautions we will take and everything but they won’t budge. I have a very dramatic family… it’s their hobby. I think they are just looking for something to do honestly.

  7. Well, I definitely know how you all feel. I only have $1,100 in my account right now, but that’s $1,100 more than I had when I started! That’s how I’m trying to look at it. I had a fundraiser last week that was kind of a flop. I raised $100 but I was expecting more. I am trying to be grateful for each penny I receive!! Also, my family has been up and down about supporting my trip. Just continue to pray for specific family members and each situation. I have a praise… My grandma didn’t want me to go because she was afraid of me getting raped and getting AIDS. She decided this week to send a large amount of money to help me in this mission!! Praise God… He heard and answered my prayer!! Pray Pray Pray!

  8. Yeah right now satan is looking for anything to discourage us before we go on this trip. Right now im working as much as possible and on the noodle diet :-).James 1:2-4 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perserverance. Perserverance must finish it’s work so that you may be mature, and complete, not lacking anything.” God has his hand on all of us and a plan for this yeah Praise God! that is awesome amanda and daniel! I will pray for you all.

  9. Hi Guys,
    All of what you have written I can totally empathize with!! I started off this trip with an unbelieving heart, I mean, almost $5,000 is a lot of money. I really didn’t have the faith to think I could raise that much. However, I have come to realize too that if it is God’s will for me to be on this trip he will provide! It is interesting to already see that some of the people I sent support letters to, whom I was doubtful would actually give, have actually blessed me. I am ashamed by first lack of trust in the Lord, but my prayers for myself and everyone is that we will continue to put faith in him.