
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Again we headed to the Manzini hospital as I enter the children’s ward I was so excited to hear that baby Benjamin had been discharged**. It was kind of bittersweet because I had been spending most all my time with him so now I prayed for His direction in how to minister that day. My mind went to a woman I had prayed with only a couple times who had TB in the woman’s ward. As I headed to the woman’s ward I prayed that God would give me guidance in what to talk about/do.

She beamed as she saw me. I sat and chatted learning she had at least a month left in the hospital. Her English was good but she was weak and I knew my questions were becoming too much. I asked if she liked stories. She quickly and with a smile said “yebo!” 

I read the book of Ruth to her. She was intent to listen and watched as I spoke each word.  The whole time I was wondering if she understood any of it. As I finished she smiled and simply spoke, ” It is a story of faith and how God provides.” Wow, she hit it right on. This opened a whole new door where I was able to explore God’s provision and plan. She even brought up that it isn’t always how we plan. Naomi did not plan for her husband and sons to die yet He was glorified and provided for her.  She did nto plan to be in the hospital and wanted to be home with her kids yet she was here and she said she know there has to be a reason.

I closed my visit and prayed for her.


“Lord, you know this woman’s heart… Let her know You. Use this door that has been opened. Guide my words and actions as I continue to visit. Comfort her as she is away from family. Let her know your Love and praise Your Name. Amen. “


** I saw Ben on April 1, 2008 and he is not doing well. The doctor said he is malnourished and his mother refuses to admit him. Please pray for her to change her mind and for him to be able to keep the nutrients he needs.