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On Monday I got to experience seeing a doctor at an African clinic. It was pretty basic, but more labs than I was used to, including having blood drawn from my hand. The doctor said that all my labs were normal and that whatever I had the day before had already passed. As a precaution, she prescribed me some meds to cleanse out my stomach.

So I’ve done a lot of thinking about sickness this week. Three days a week we see people in the hospitals that are dying from HIV/AIDS, TB, or other diseases that just aren’t as treatable here as they are in the United States. Even more than that, this country is dying at a rapid rate, and not just physically. Many people in this country have turned to witchcraft or ancestral worship, even mixing them with Christianity in an attempt to find answers. Still the truth remains that the only answer is Jesus Christ, not ______, or Jesus and ______. I know that our God reigns here, but I also know that Satan does not want us to believe that, proclaim it, or act on it. We have come across some serious spiritual warfare in our time here and I am apt to believe that our team being “plagued” with sickness lately is an attempt of the enemy to contain us. How he got a foothold on our team, I don’t know, but I pray that we soon find out so that we can stand firm against him and proclaim that he has no power over us.

May the God that gives us power and strength reign over all of you at home as He does here in Swaziland.