
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The phrase, “Put a smile on your face and make the world a better place”, was the first thing that came to my mind when I woke up this morning because  yesterday after playing with the children at the care point I proved  it to be true. My jaw actually hurt from smiling so much. Even though I was in pain I could see the benefits from one simple action. I tend to forget about my “resting fac”e and how it affects the little eyes that are looking at me. At the care point all I had to do was look at that little girl or boy with a big grin on my face and I could see the light in their face grow. It amazes me how just allowing a child to hold a finger or sit in your lap makes them feel like the luckiest child on earth.  At the care point, I sat on the floor the whole time coloring .Even though they spoke no English, I was able to let them know I loved their picture because every time they show me their paper my faced lighted up. When I filled out my application for this trip I was asked about my goals for this trip and my answer was to put a smile on as many faces as possible. Yesterday when I left that care point, I know I accomplished my goal for that day because the room was filled with smiles that reached ear to ear.