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I have been gone for 20 days and I have been in Africa about 14 days now.  The Lord is stripping me of everything but it has been really amazing!  I am now living in a hut, using an outhouse, bucket bathing, and adjusting to no running water.  The only thing familiar to me here is God.  I love the other 14 people that are with me on my team, but it can never replace my family and friends back in Texas. 


God is teaching me that I don’t need the luxuries of America, family, friends, etc. in order to be comfortable.  If I am completely in love with Him I could be comfortable wherever I go.  The Lord is using me so much here and I am already making relationships with women and children in the hospital, as well as the community here in Timbutini.  Swazi’s are extremely friendly and make me feel so special and wanted here.  The Lord’s beauty is all around me everyday, not only in the smiles but also the sunsets over the mountains each evening.


One morning I was feeling really discouraged about my living quarters here at the homestead.  I was getting frustrated as I was using my nalgene in order to rinse off my toothbrush.  At that point I would have given anything for running water and a sink.  After, as I was doing my quiet time and the Lord really convicted me of complaining.  He brought me to this passage:


“Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without finding fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life- in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.”  Phil. 2:14-16


I should never complain about my circumstances because the only thing I am sacrificing is my luxuries and comfort.  That is so minute compared to people suffering or even dying for Jesus name.  I am sure Jesus wasn’t comfortable when He was getting beaten and then hung on the cross.  The Lord is good and I know that He is maturing me and helping me to develop perseverance!   


“Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”  1 Thess. 5:16-18





One response to “Stripped of Everything”

  1. AMANDA…I am so HAPPY for you. I know it is such a huge change and it sounds like you are doing AMAZING. I miss you so much but I know God is using you so much right now in Africa. I LOVE YOU and I am continueing to pray for you:)