
Explore My News,
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I am happy to announce the time of our conference call for this month!!!  YEAH!!!

I know that some of you will not be able to call in and that is okay. If you do not have plans ALREADY MADE AT THIS TIME or you are scheduled to work you are excused, EVERYONE else will be expected to be there.  These calls are important in that you get to ask questions and you get to know your team better.  So make every effort to call in!

What we hope to accomplish:  Help in getting your support in,  answer any questions you may have and get to know your team better!

Here is the time:

Tuesday, November 27th at 3:00 PM


The number that you call in on is: 319-256-0100.  You dial that number and then it will ask you for your access code which is: 348324#

All times are in EST Zone.  We are looking forward to talking to all of you.