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God has been showing me lately the amazing glory of an intimate relationship with Him. There is so much love and peace that comes from drawing close to God and allowing Him to fill and surround me with His sweet presence. I can feel Him and see Him everywhere I look and everywhere I go. In every child’s smile, in every mountain, in every sunrise, in every breeze that gently moves through the long grass, I see the glory of the Lord. Its amazing. There is a song that I recently heard for the first time that completely describes the romantic relationship that I am having with the Lord. Its called “The More I Seek You” and the lyrics are: “The more I seek you, The more I find you, The more I find you, The more I love you. I wanna sit at your feet, drink from the cup in your hand, Lay back against you and breathe, Feel your heartbeat, This love is so deep, Its more than I can stand, I melt in your peace, Its overwhelming.”

            I love the things that God is doing in my life. I never knew I could have this kind of fulfilling and intimate relationship with the Lord. And all I had to do to get here was entirely surrender my life and make Him my everything. Not only is He all I need, but He is all I want. He is the only thing that will satisfy, the only thing that will fill my life with love and peace. When the Lord is my focus and I concentrate my everything on Him, He meets me with His sweetest presence.  I never want to leave His side. My whole being is encompassed by Him and it’s the best feeling. I am getting so lost in Christ. I have gotten to the end of myself and the beginning of the most beautiful life I have ever known, for the Lord is in control.