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Get excited for what the Lord is doing in Swaziland through the people of Aim.
<OBJECT type=application/x-shockwave-flash height=0 width=1 data="
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<A href="The Nsoko project is our dream for Africa; it is in one of the most impoverished areas in Swaziland. We’ve been given 100 acres of land from local Swazi businessmen; much of the funds will be coming from within the country.

It will be a community full of love, homes for the orphans, projects to teach them to build a business and provide for their families, and it’s in full swing. We broke ground on October 11, 2007, building the community center, a guest house, and moving a few hundred vulnerable children most of them ‘double orphans’ to this new location to be feed.

We help each child at the Care Points create an ‘I am box’, a treasure chest, decorating the outside to help them express their culture and their life story. The inside will hold a mirror and a Bible – showing who they really are, and holding any special treasure they have or that we give them.

Gardens, café and other sustainability projects will be coming soon after.

One response to “The Lord at Work In Swaziland”

  1. So crazy! I read about this and watched the video on Lisa-Marie Black’s blog! So encouraging! What an amazing ministry!!! Are we going to be doing much with that group/area??