
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Sometimes situations are simply just too hard to comprehend. It is painful to begin to process the suffering that is experienced by the people here in Swaziland. My heart breaks as I hold the hands of women dying in the hospital and as I hold the child whose legs are covered in sores. I wonder why was I born in a safe home in America and this precious child was born with AIDS in a squatter camp in Africa. The temptation to carry these burdens on myself and to question God’s purpose in the situations is sometimes overwhelming. However, I have been learning to trust God in the unknown, to praise and glorify His name because He is a good God and is worthy of praise even if my mind can’t wrap itself around His purpose in a situation. His ways are not my ways and He certainly is in control.

Acts 17:24-28 speaks to the fact that God has determined the exact time and places in which each person lives and He has done this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. So who am I to ever let a question of God’s purpose in a situation enter my mind. He has engineered the time and place of our birth not as a random process but with the purpose that we might find him. Every baby I hold, every lady at the hospital was knit together by the hand of God and placed here in Swaziland so that perhaps they would reach out and find God.