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Thoughts & Inspiration

Occasionally on a blessed Saturday evening our team gets the opportunity to join the team of Swaziland First Year Missionaries at their not so humble abode. Not only is this a glorious time for our bucket bathed little selves to experience a long awaited shower, but it is a time of amazing fellowship and worship with the other teams here in Swazi. During worship one evening a girl challenged us to really mean what we were saying to God, so I thought, well I do, but I guess I will try to think about it a little more tonight. As I closed my eyes to begin to really ponder the words I was saying. The next song that played went like this:

The more I seek You, the more I find You.

The more I find You, the more I love You.

I want to sit at Your feet,

Drink from the cup in Your hand,

Lay back against You and breathe,

Feel Your heartbeat,

This love is so deep,

It’s more than I can stand

I melt in Your peace, it’s overwhelming.

The intimacy I felt with Jesus as I set there brought me to tears. I felt like I was truly sitting with Jesus, the lover of my soul worshipping Him. I imagined myself sitting at His feet under a tree. Sometime during that following week I read about using your imagination for God in Oswald Chambers My Utmost For His Highest. Isaiah 26:3 says “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose imagination is stayed on Thee.” Chambers says, “Imagination is the greatest gift God has given us and it ought to be devoted entirely to Him. If you have been bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, it will be one of the greatest assets to faith when the time of trial comes, because your faith and the Spirit of God will work together.” He goes on to talk about how we should remember Whose we are and Whom we serve and we should be devoting even our imaginations to the service of God. I have been trying to devote every thought to the service and glory of God. Though it seemed different to me at first to imagine myself sitting at Jesus’ feet it has brought me into an incredible intimacy with Him. God wants all of us, even our imaginations and using this gift for Him as been better than I could have ever imagined. Haha!!!

One response to “Worship”

  1. My dear daughter,
    This surely has been an awesome time of God getting your full attention and drawing you so close to Him. What will it really be like to sit at Jesus feet and worship Him? I truely believe that you will worship with some of the dear precious people from Swazi in Heaven some day because of your teams ministry. Oh, what a day that will be. Love you so much Mom