
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Worship in Africa


The children are running around these dirt roads.  They smile at us and wave, and we run to them and scoop them up in our arms.  They want to play.  They want to be cuddled (more then any group of kids I’ve been with). They want to be listened to (which is hard when I can’t understand Siswati).  I look into their eyes and there is an incredible amount of hope.  They have dreams for their future.

Jesus, please, send your Spirit so that they can truly have life.

Through the dark tangled mess of sin that has filtrated, I can see the face of Jesus.  I can see his light slowly seeping through his children’s bodies.

Jesus, please, take back your little ones.

“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast,

and have no compassion on the child she has borne?

Though she may forget,

I will not forget you!

See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands;

you are ever before me.”

Worship here has been stretching and beautiful.  He is in these rolling green mountains.  He is in my team, and the way they sacrificially serve each other.  I feel like in the past couple weeks God has begun to show me a peek of something about himself, but I haven’t seen enough to really even talk about it yet.  I pray that he will show me soon.  I see glimpses of it in the struggling children in hospital, in the poorest places and the most desperate circumstances.

My heart continues to be completely the Lord’s.  I pray that back home and all around that you are receiving from him what he wants to give to you during this season, and that he is increasing your scope and vision of who he is.

I love you all!
